Thursday, March 10, 2011

A Man Walked a Mile....

He walked down the path,
Time and time again, he stumbled over a rock.
Some were small, others so large he had some climbing to do.
He was determined to move on.
Oftentimes urged on by parents, sisters, brothers
It may have been an aunt or an uncle and many times for the sake of righteousness itself.
He wanted to give up, he was tired and he could not see a way out.
He was alone and so very sad.
No one could help lift his being.

God saw his plight....and sent him an angel.
His eyes saw beauty and  her smile filled the evening sky.
She was all he could dream for and more,
He knew no other love like this and had to have her near.
The rocks both large and small had no limits now.
He walked past them quickly, sometimes not even noting their size.
He was one with another and together they moved onward.
Their life was filled and blessed, as rays shining outward onto a rolling plain.
Nothing they touched ever remained the same.

Like a 'seed that fell on  good soil, where it produced a crop--a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.'
Their love knew no boundaries and what they knew together took root in their offspring.
All who touched his life walked with him and led him into the arms of the Lord!

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